Monday, June 30, 2008


A Picture IS Worth a Thousand Words (and can miraculously remove 3 ounces of excess weight) by Janice Taylor, Beliefnet Blogger.

Food journaling keeps us honest. It helps us to keep track of what we eat and identify when and why we eat. In other words, keeping a food journal can shed light on our eating habits. Statistics show that those who keep food journals are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off (permanent fat removal) than those who do not.

Early on (seven years ago), at the beginning of my permanent fat removal journey, I wondered how illuminating it might be if I photographed everything (and I mean everything) that I ate. From full-course meals to bites, licks and tastes. Would I eat less? Be more honest? Gain a different kind of insight that journal writing doesn't provide?

What did I learn about myself, and my (dysfunctional) relationship with food? Plenty!

1. I am a multi-tasker, extraordinaire! I can eat and read; eat and talk; eat and watch TV.

2. I am a grazer. I eat all day long. (Ran out of batteries one day!)

3. I love being a FOTO FOOD JOURNALIST. Hooray! Another fabulous thing to add to my resume!

I invite YOU to grab your camera ... digital, disposable or analog (the old fashioned kind) and see your habits, your food, your weighs in black and white or color!

Supplies: Camera; food

Instructions: Photograph everything you eat. Don't concern yourself with what other people think. If you're out with friends or at an important business meeting, I am sure all will be impressed with your artistic and creative nature! Just tell them, "I am a Foto Food Journalist."

When you get the photos back from the lab or download them onto your computer, take a good look and make a list of things that you've learned about yourself.

You might be surprised to see how healthy your eating habits are ... or not!

Above all, just have FUN.

Spread the word (NOT the icing),

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